Thursday, May 10, 2012

Auntie, Be Gone!

I know, I know, I just wrote a post about the same topic not long ago. But another blogger-mummy's post about this 'inspired' me again :P

Why are there so many aunties around us? Perhaps not among our friends yet.. since we are still in our 30s.. But there are so many aunties on the streets! Just look around you now! All these women were young once, and probably slimmer and prettier.. what happened to them? Will the same thing happen to us? 

Is it just metabolism? Or age? Hmm, if I did not become a mother, I am quite certain I would be able to remain slim and  ok-pretty for many many more years.. Do pregnancy & childbirth change our body so much? It's not just about going back to its former glory..  It's no longer being able to eat & eat and not put on a single ounce.. It's the hips are wider and no amount of dieting/exercise can 'narrow' the hips.. It's the abuse that breastfeeding exerts on the sisterly assets..

I have said this before, and I shall say it again - NEVER become a mother unless you really want to!

Is it vain for a woman to take care of her looks? Is it a waste of money to buy nice clothes and good skincare products? Is it a waste of time to go for facials?

It's not just about whether the hubby minds the wife looking haggard. Many guys reading this would probably say they would love their wife no matter how she looks. Many would say they are not superficial and it's not just about the looks. I agree, so many good men among my friends, I am sure they will not have affairs or love their wife less just because she does not look as good as before. BUT think of it another way - how does your wife feel? Now, the good men might say, 'hey my wife is a good woman, not a vainpot like you ZZ, she won't be upset about how she looks!' OK OK, congratulations to you! You can stop reading now!

Back to what I was saying. These are all 'extra' and not-essential things. But, won't the wife smile from the heart when the hubby insists she go for a facial while he looks after the kid(s)? Won't she feel pampered  when he offers to pay for a luxury skincare item for her? Won't she be pleased when he tells her he doesn't mind waiting for her while she pops into the salon for a mani/pedi?

Won't a happy wife be more loving and more lovey-dovey toward the hubby?

I know I sure felt very happy when my hubby said he would pay for new clothes for me! :D

(take a rain-check on that first. No point buying new clothes when the body wearing them is not up to standards yet :p)

How to implement a proper self-care regime though? I have been diligently applying body moisturiser and taking my anti-oxidant nightly. Seriously, self-care is hard work. A facial once a month is reasonable I think, but on top of the other weekend engagements we have (meeting up with friends, bringing the boys out to play, visiting family, couple time), it's not easy to squeeze in two hours for the facial. I shall work on it though, and NOT feel any guilt about leaving Hubby with the two boys!

Hurray for self-care!

*no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt* *no guilt*

*I deserve it* *I deserve it* *I deserve it* *I deserve it* *I deserve it* *I deserve it* *I deserve it*

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