Sunday, January 13, 2013

Outing to Animal Resort

As part of our weekly outings, I brought the boys to Animal Resort (81 Seletar West Farmway 5) this morning. Sounds very ulu, but actually it's not that far from my place (unlike Bird Park and Sungei Buloh! Come to think of it, I should go to Changi and Ubin more often - they are near me!)

From what I read online, the place's main business is pet grooming and dog training, and I was forewarned that it was rather rundown so I didn't have high expectations. Even then I was quite disappointed as the area accessible to us was not that big.. and the goat has died! So, no more goat : ( I thought the goat would be the highlight of the day, cos the other big animal was a horse and I felt a horse would be much scarier than a goat. There are many goats at the children's section of the zoo, but those goats were quite scary when I brought Jiale to feed them - they seemed very extremely hungry &/or greedy and kept bumping against the metal gates to reach the food! Violent... 

[Pictures actually really don't tell a good story. I read many blogs last night about other people's visits, and the photos all looked so nice!]

Visitors can buy food to feed the animals - $1 for a packet, or $2 for three packets. We bought 7 packets in all! :p I preferred the carrots cos it was fun to see the rabbits eating them, and the carrots were cut into long pieces which made it easy for the kids to feed the rabbits.

All in all, I think Jiale enjoyed himself feeding the fish, rabbits, ducks and geese (many ducks and geese roaming around). But other than that, there was nothing much to the place.. The peacocks and cassowary were impressive birds, but we can see them at the Birds' Park too. We went to Kids' Kampong at Pasir Ris before, and we could feed small animals (including rabbits, chickens, ducks, fish) too. Though all the animals at Kids' Kampong were enclosed and the feel wasn't as rustic, we could do longkang fishing there. So both places had its pros and cons I guess. But personally, I don't think I will do another trip to Animal Resort again. (Plus, Jiahe was definitely traumatized by the geese which were taller than him!)

Danger alert
Many many mosquitoes! MUST use insect repellant! I stuck on mosquito patches on all three of us while we were in the cab, but the patches were no match for the mosquitoes. Luckily I had dressed the boys in long pants and I had brought along insect repellant. If you forget to bring insect repellant, I advise you to leave quickly and come again another day!

After turning off Jalan Kayu into Seletar West Farmway 4, then you should go to Farmway 6, then Farmway 8, before finally reaching Farmway 6. Gotta drive or take a cab.. quite very far to walk from the main road.

Didi feeding the rabbits at the start of the outing.. still calm & happy

Jiale kept reminding the rabbits to share!

The rabbits' home

Jiale didn't seem scared of the geese at all.. Didi was traumatized.. I was very scared but had to act brave

We could see the fish open their mouths big big when we were feeding them

No idea what this was, but according to another blog, it's a crown crane. I was scared of them too

Peacock but it's locked up..

Friendly parrot said 'hello' to us!

Cassowary - it kept looking at us when we were having a rest outside its enclosure, but I didn't dare to feed it : /

Lone horse.. it was in the enclosure and we couldn't get near to it even if we had wanted to.


  1. Nice post & got photos too!

    How did you manage to get out of the place after the visit?

    Wanted to bring my kids but read so many bad reviews online, scared to bring.

    1. I called a cab.... Otherwise it's impossible to get out...
