Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Blues

Most people who are working/studying full-time probably look forward to weekends.. and I should too, since it means Hubby is around to help out with the boys. But my weekends often seem quite boring AND hectic.. The previous weekend:

Hubby went to work and only reached home around 4pm. Supposed to go to my in-laws' place so I was feeling quite sian. They are nice lah, but I am usually quite zuo-bo there and yet can't totally relax (unlike at my parents' place haha) : / But it turned out that we did not have to go as my mother-in-law was not free. (YIPPEE!) So we just rotted at home.. lazing around in the living room doing NOTHING while the boys played pretty much by themselves.

6.30pm Hubby went to the coffeeshop to buy dinner, and we started the boys' bedtime routine after their dinner. By 8pm, both boys were in bed and Hubby & I read/used computer/watched TV. End of the day.

Hubby and Jiale needed a haircut. So after Didi woke up from his morning nap at 11am, we hurriedly rushed out (cos gotta be back by 2pm for the boys' afternoon naps. If too late, they might KO in the car and it would be difficult to get them to sleep again upon reaching home.)

Waited at the salon for very long (but only $8 la, so we were happy to wait :P).. Then went to supermarket to buy the week's groceries.. Had planned to eat out for lunch, but it was already 1pm by then! Ended up buying food home. Fed the boys their lunch and they were down for their nap at 2pm+.

Left the house again at 4pm+ to go to my parents' place. Spent the evening there and once we reached home at 8pm+, we got the boys ready for bed. Urmm, end of the weekend..!! Just like that!

So, what had we actually DONE during the weekend?? Grocery shopping.. Haircuts... Visited the grandparents... That's all! Didn't even get to eat out!

How come I always see so many FB posts about weekend activities and fun excursions? How do other parents of young children manage to squeeze in so many things? Everyone gotta buy groceries right? Everyone gotta visit the grandparents right? Everyone needs haircuts sooner or later right?

While I do not wish to tax my hubby with too many activities during the weekend as he also needs to rest after a week of work, I really wish we can have more outings as a family. Furthermore there are some activities which are pretty difficult for me to handle alone if I bring the boys on a weekday (e.g. swimming). But now, whether he's ok with less rest, we already Time Not Enough! Any suggestions??

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