I'm definitely feeling stressed. I think about the boys' schooling/learning goals/age-appropriate developments etc almost all the time. Wonder how other mummies can be so confident about what they are doing..? See, there are two conflicting schools of thought - 'academic' versus 'play'. And the reason I choose 'play' is not because I am so laidback about the boys' future academic performance.. Cos I do want them to excel! Two main reasons:
Firstly, play-based learning is supposed to be a better way of learning, supposed to make them even smarter than the academic way. Problem is, I guess can't see the results so soon.... >.<
Secondly, of course young children will enjoy play more than studying right? And be happier playing than studying? And urmm, when they are happy, they will be better learners?
Haha.. so you see, while I am a play advocate, my motives are not that innocent! So often, I am tempted to give up/cut down outdoor time or messy play time so that we have more time to 'play' with puzzles, blocks, etc. The perfect solution is to be able to play.. go park.. AND study! But time not enough! Unless I push back his bedtime...? But.... sleep is also supposed to be very important for brain growth! (ah... everything links back to brain la)
It's not that my priorities are playing/art/sensory/free play/outdoors.. I MAKE myself prioritize them. It's a conscious effort, and all the time, I am struggling and questioning my choices. I could choose a middle ground.. some play, some studying.. But err, how much of each? 50% each..? Or..?
The most difficult part is I do not know what is best. I wish someone would tell me The Answer. I need A Hitchhiker's Guide. Is there a Dummies/Idiots' book for teaching your children? I can read and read more and more books, but there is no definite answer. I see other mummies around me all doing different things.. How do they know what to do??? I am so scared that if the boys don't do well in future, I will look back and regret.. : (
Well-meaning friends will probably tell me just to do my best, I am their mother and I will do what's best for them, etc. I think it's a gamble. I am gambling with my sons' future.
(but even if they do well, I can't claim credit either. Like gambling, it could be pure luck.)
(I suspect most of my posts will end with a sigh. Sigh.)
You are not alone my dear. The enormity of my decision to hs her hit me sometime last year. I still wonder but I always take a step back and take her lead. As long as the basics are covered, she has good values, am happy :) nd you are doing great my dear, you are putting in loads of effort too!