Saturday, April 7, 2012

Book: The Art of Roughhousing

Disclaimer: My 'book reviews' are very subjective as it depends on whether the book is relevant to my family. Neither will I be doing any summary as I believe it's the details that make the book useful/helpful

I had come across this title quite a few times as it was often mentioned and quoted and praised in the play-based learning books which I like to read. But I thought there was no need to read it as ‘what’s there to read about roughhousing..??’ But one fine day, I finally reserved it from the library. And I was pleasantly surprised!

Other than the physical & emotional benefits (bonding with parent), the book also talks about how roughhousing is good for EQ etc. It then provides clear instructions and illustrations on how to do roughhousing with your child. I am convinced and will be incorporating roughhousing into our daily (weekday) routine : )

By the way one of the two authors is Lawrence Cohen, who is the author of the book Playful Parenting. Another good book. But I won't be writing about it cos I read it sometime ago.

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