Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I Want 3 Kids, ASAP

It's not because I am mad.

I am not a great fan of children, and I never go ga-ga when I see babies. I didn't know how to interact with babies until they were old enough to have a proper conversation with me, until I had my own children. The main reason why I want more than one child, is to give the firstborn siblings, i.e. playmates (i.e. people to fight with :p). And I believe that if there are only two, they have no choice but to play with each other. But when there are three or more, they gotta play nice.. or be obstracised! So, it's training in social skills lor. And the best thing about 'training' with siblings? Mummy doesn't have to worry about pleasing the other parent(s).. I can scold all the kids, or I can let them fight to the end..!

Hubby does agree on having three kids. But we differ in how long we think the age gap between the second and the third should be. He thinks we should wait a few more years as Jiale and Jiahe are both still very young. Me? I want to have the third as soon as possible! Because..

Firstly, the shorter the age gap, the more they can play together as peers. Similar strength, similar size, similar ability = no issue of bullying/victimization. As it is, as Didi is not even stable on his feet yet, I am always having to 'take sides'. ARGH. Dislike. I want to be able to leave them to sort out their own disputes, which is not very possible when one is at a disadvantage.

Secondly, I want to 'close factory' as soon as possible. Then can get rid of all the maternity clothes, nursing clothes, AND the fats. Now I am really unmotivated to make effort to slim down properly, cos I know it will all go back on again with the third baby. I seriously do not want to be this fat for the next few years! Oh ya, and also get rid of the baby toys sooner!

Thirdly, I think it has been easier coping with Didi as my experiences with Jiale are still fresh. With just a 18-month gap, I already find myself having to refer back to the books & Internet, but at least it only takes a refresher to recall what to do. Likely to have to start from beginning if the gap is too long.

Next, it also affects the routine for the kids. Currently, I have to lug Didi along for Jiale's swimming lesson. When Jiale goes to school one morning a week, Didi also misses his morning nap. Imagine if Jiale is much older when the new baby comes along, he might already be in kindergarten and attending school daily. It will be so much more difficult lugging a newborn to send Jiale to school everyday! (and yes, most likely I will be the one sending & fetching. And I don't trust schoolbuses.. In fact I don't feel secure to have my child in a moving vehicle unless they are with someone who loves them, i.e. limited to the grandparents, parents, our siblings and their spouses, and maybe a very few of my friends.)

Lastly, and most importantly, I am worried about the age and quality of my eggs. Not that my young eggs are definitely better than someone else's older eggs.. But my young eggs are surely better than my old eggs, right?? I am already 32 this year.. a few more years and I will be in the higher-risk group. More worries, more stress. Less restorative ability, less energy : (

I don't think it's going to get easier anyway. There are difficulties having a new baby with two young children around, but there will also be new challenges to have a new baby when the two boys are older. For instance, I am quite glad Jiale was only 18 months old when Didi arrived - still young, still blur :p

I am really not mad, ok?


  1. I think these are all very valid reasons! I didn't plan to have my #2 so soon (my #1 is 16 months old). But now, I think better sooner than later!

    I'm totally with you on the losing weight point. ;)

    Hope to hear good news from you soon!

  2. About sorting their own dispute part... I tend to agree. Mine are 4.5 years gap:(, 2 is talking to 7 with limited verbal skills, usually not able to getting the hint (or maybe she pretend) and end up with hitting and chasing. Oh well, is part of my daily laugh, somehow.

    Anyway, I don't think you are mad. Just go for it;)!
