Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Perfect Jiale

Ok 'perfect' is an exaggeration la. Just that I feel he is already very sensible and well-behaved.. But there are 2 things still contributing to his occasional tantrums.

Firstly, he has a constipation problem. At least 3 times in the past month, he pooed a lump so big and hard that I couldn't flush it down the toilet! I kid you not. Had to poke it into smaller pieces first then flush again. (I wore disposable glove la.) I have noticed that often after he had a nasty unreasonable dunno-why tantrum, he would poo. Which means he was constipated when he was having the tantrum. Probably feeling a lot of discomfort : ( But I don't think it's painful cos he didn't seem to be in pain.. Just irritable, cranky, foul-tempered.

I have tried giving him Vitagen daily but to no avail. Fruits, vegetables.. Well, it depends on whether he is willing to eat.. For instance, he usually loves blueberries but sometimes he also simply refuses to eat them. Sigh.

Secondly, he is very picky about his food. There are hardly anything that he is willing to eat.. and most are of the unhealthy sort, e.g. fried chicken, chicken nuggets, fishballs. Oh ya, and Breadtalk cheese bread. Yep, must be Breadtalk. 'Normal' cheese bread, he eats, but only a little bit..

I can't be always giving him the unhealthy stuff, right? So most of the time, he declares he is full after just a few mouthfuls. It's definitely not my culinary skills that's the problem (though I definitely don't proclaim to be a good cook), because he often refuses to eat at the grandparents' too!

(As for eating out, we usually have Japanese food, and Jiale loves tamago sushi, so no problem there.)

He loves to drink formula milk too, but if we always give him milk, he will end up eating even less.. Haii..

So, I believe that if I can solve the problem of him being hungry and constipated most of the time, he will be much better-tempered and easy-going. The problem is, HOW?

Actually, Jiale is still good-natured most of the time. He is active and playful and cheerful, not to the extent of lying around listlessly and showing any sign of low energy. That is why I kept telling myself he was just not hungry, toddlers don't need to eat all the time, he will eat when he's hungry, etc etc. But it has gone on for too long. I think he is still good-natured because he is really just very good-natured. To the extent of still being good-natured even if he's feeling hungry and stomach is grumbling. Boo hoo : (

I have decided to devote myself to tackle this issue. Shall put homelearning and spending time with the boys on the backseat for now. Shall spend more time cooking for Jiale and hopefully find a way to entice him to eat more (not hungry)and to eat more healthily (not constipated).

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