Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Be A Supermom

Read a post by a fellow blogger mum and got inspired to write this post. I don't think I am really a supermom lah, though I do feel like one at times (doesn't every mom??). But I get such compliments/admirations quite often.. like at least once a day :p So I shall not be shy and shall share how I DO IT.

According to the categories mentioned in the above blog, I seem to be a Super Structured Mom. Except for the last bit.. cos I definitely do not wish to outsource my children's education as long as I still have a last breath can manage. Then again, maybe I am a Super Stressful Mom.. no idea whether people around me feel stressed by me, but I am quite driven.. and *surprise!* I am actually quite kiasu too. Just that my beliefs of how to achieve optimum performance in my children differ from most people. OK, here goes.

I don't try to follow the clock, but I have in place a fixed sequence of events. For example, at lunchtime, Jiale knows that after he eats lunch, he is allowed a few minutes to play (about 5 minutes) before he has to go into his room for nap. When we reach home in the evening, he knows that after he finishes his milk, it is time for a bath, then dinner, then bedtime stories, then brush teeth, then bedtime.

Sleep training
I think I would be dead if I did not let the boys go through sleep training. I think this every time I say 'good night' to them and close the bedroom door.

Just do it
I remember the first time I brought Jiale out on my own. Other than it being the first time (which was scary enough!), I had not much experience with the baby carrier (MIM sarong sling). Though I intended to take a cab, I was very nervous and almost didn't make it out of the door. Hard to imagine, now that I have no problems going out with two boys on my own! The first time is always the most unnerving. Even as recent as a few weeks ago, the first time I brought them hiking (MacRitchie Reservoir), I felt quite unsure about whether we would make it. But we survived, and I am very happy we can have more such adventures together : )

That's it. My 3 secrets of being a supermom. Try it, you can be a supermom too! : )

[By the way, in case you are curious, my personal definition of Supermom is one who takes care of the household and the children without a domestic helper/other caregivers such as the grandparents and without sending the children to school. (I consider daily classes as school, even if it's just for 2-3 hours.) So I already fail my own definition, since I have a part-time cleaner who comes for one morning a week, and Jiale is in school for one morning a week. And if this particular Supermom is a work-at-home-mom... WOW! She's a Supersupermom!]

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